- Waterproof
- Lightweight
- 40 matches/box
- Lights in any condition
- Strike strip located on the side of the box for easy access
Having a reliable source of fire has been a survival necessity since the dawn of mankind. But you never know what type of weather you may face in a survival situation. That is why emergency waterproof matches is a great addition to your emergency kit. These emergency waterproof matches work any time you find that you need to build a fire, whether for emergency cooking, to stay warm or to scare away wildlife.
What's Included:
- [1] Matchbox
- [40] Waterproof matches
How/When to Use:
- Ensure you are in a safe and open area.
- Gather a source of fuel to feed the fire (e.g. dry twigs, leaves, grass, etc.).
- Take out a waterproof match and strike it onto the strike strip located on the side of the box.
- Light the fuel source and continue to feed the fire with additional fuel.