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The Drumm Emergency Solutions BLEEDING RESPONSE KIT (BRK) comes with a well-thought-out and specially designed combination of equipment to rapidly and effectively stop a life-threatening hemorrhage.
Our kit is designed specifically for critical incidents involving moms, teachers, or any layperson with concerns about being prepared to deal with life-threatening bleeding. Kits can be outfitted with either the North American Rescue CAT tourniquet or the H&H Medical SWAT-T tourniquet which allows you to tailor your kit to fit whatever hemorrhage control training your facility utilizes.
Drumm Emergency Solutions kits are compact, easy to open and use and come complete with simple and easy-to-understand instructions, which makes them the perfect solution for classroom critical incidents and civilian disaster response.
We understand that when emergencies happen, having the correct equipment is critical to stopping the bleed, but having to think in these situations can be difficult. This kit provides a solution that addresses both of these problems.
- You choose which tourniquet, hemostatic gauze, and chest seal option you would like in your kit
- The other contents of the kit are listed below.
Standard Contents
- NAR Emergency Trauma Dressing - mini
- Compressed gauze
- Mylar emergency blanket
- Trauma shears
- Sharpie marker - mini
- Large size nitrile gloves - Two Pair
- Instructional card for hemorrhage control