The StuffSack Traditional Dry Bag is fantastic and has been proven around the world for any and all travelers. Durable PVC construction, roll down design, handle strap, and welded seams makes Traditional Dry Bags the optimal bag of choice for any adventure. The Traditional Dry Bag is great for storing everything from clothes, jackets, gear, and more. On top of that it also works with the Stuffsack Compression Rack Systems!
- Constructed with PVC fabric with welded seams for strength and durability.
- Dimensions 14in x 6.5 in x 24 in
- Weight 16oz
- Convenient to carry, pack, or stow.
- Welded Seams and Roll down design protect gear from water, dirt, mud, and more.
- Roll down top to keep water out.
- Rubber Handle for easy carrying.
- Shoulder Sling for over the shoulder carrying.
- Great bag to carry clothes, dirty clothes, gear, jackets, and more!
- Works with the Stuffsack Rack System.
- Traditional Design proven throughout decades.